Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Simile, and the whole world similes with you

I've been so busy with school lately that my beloved blog has been neglected. I'm upset by this because I adore blogging, and honestly if I could list things that, in 2008, made me happier than anything else, blogging would be near the top!!

I've been writing a lot too, and I've finally finished my first short story. I'm so proud of it that I'm going to submit it for publication in a few literary journals and magazines! This is a big deal for jholiday because getting published has always been something I've wanted to achieve. To be a published writer.... (for full effect, read published with a dreamy, far off look in your eyes).

I also plan on putting it online so that I can share it with all of you, but I'd like to copyright it first (yes, I'm paranoid). Expect my opus "Touchstone Cove" in a few days!

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