Thursday, January 8, 2009

Rabbit Rabbit

Does anyone make New Years resolutions anymore? Most resolutions are almost cliches, (get in better shape, get out of debt, learn something new) they're unoriginal, and unwittingly bringing scorn upon the resolutioner. The idea of resolving to accomplish something simply because of tradition seems so uninspired. But I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here (hehe) when I denounce this often vilified tradition.

However, in keeping with the writing goal of actually having a point to my blog posts, I pose this question. Do you readers ever wish to reform yourselves, maybe even minutely, at the start of a new year? Perhaps resolutions come not from foresight, but reflection. Everyone assesses the passing year, usually with a "phew, I'm glad 200- is over". My 2008 reflections were candidly pleasant, and it was the only year in memory that I felt soundly satisfied with. This aside, as 2009 breaks upon us I wonder what my life would be like if I did some things a little differently.

Monday, January 5, 2009

For the Holidays

The boy took me to Disneyland for Christmas after a few heeeaaavy hints and I had a magical time. I love Disneyland as much as the next guy, but every December my memories of the park are like a siren call, and the holidays aren't complete without a visit. Kinda cheesy, I know.

This picture pretty much sums up our moods for the day.

What I've been doing

Loyal readers, cease your mourning for the unfortunate jholiday blog hiatus, and rejoice! For I have returned. I'm sure you're dying for me to tell you what has kept me away for so long, and tell I will. This long month of December has been filled with dead week and finals, family visits, a sister graduation, a jholiday vacation or two, and a very special boy. So please, excuse my absence but be assured that I am back with stories, anecdotes and musings to keep you entertained for a while longer.