Saturday, July 26, 2008

CD review: Eric Hutchinson's 'Sounds Like This'

I was at Best Buy a few days ago buying a cover for my ipod, and while I was waiting to check out the Eric Hutchinson CD caught my eye. I am an embarrassingly faithful reader of, and he turned me on to Eric about a year ago. I downloaded a few songs and made a mental note that he was working on a full length album, (which I promptly forgot). Well, at Best Buy Eric was on sale for $6.99, so I added his CD to my shopping cart full of unnecessary gadgets.
As I pulled out of the parking lot I popped his CD in. I liked what I heard. That is, until I got to the new album versions of the songs I'd downloaded a year ago. In the place of a charming, acoustic guitar playing singer-songwriter in the vein of a good Jason Mraz, I found over produced, over synthesized versions of the songs that had nestled a place in my top music rotation not too long ago. It was like he'd hired Miley Cyrus' producer. Really. Now, the songs weren't bad, they were actually kind of catchy. Its that they weren't sincere love songs anymore. But I still kind of loved it.
This will def be blasting from by beach boombox this summer! I'm loving track 9, 'Back to Where I Was', and the acoustic pre-album recording of 'All Over Now' is not to be missed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet, another hutchead is born!