Sunday, August 10, 2008

Let the games begin..

So while the Olympics in Beijing are off to a roaring start, I'm beginning my own gaming event here in my cozy apartment in San Luis Obispo. While I'm not sure everyone can relate to this, every once and a while I get a hankering to play video games all day. Today's schedule of events includes: Travian, a new online strategy game that happens in real-time, Neverwinter Nights 2, which I will be picking up from Circuit City shortly, and maybe a little Zelda: Twilight Princess, if I get bored with the other two too quickly. To keep myself from becoming a complete shut in today, I'm going to go see the new 3D movie at the Fremont with some friends tonight, thought I'm sure that doesn't do anything to help lower my nerd levels that are now dangerously high...

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