Tuesday, September 30, 2008

jholiday's political endorsements

These are my positions on the upcoming California ballot measures and elections.

PROP 1A: An overwhelming yes. We need more mass transit options in California. My personal favorite form of transportation also happens to be trains. This is an expensive undertaking for California, but I believe it's a necessary one. Yay for trains!!!

PROP 2: This is the farm animal rights prop. Pictures of chickens kept in cages smaller than the chickens themselves breaks my heart. However, placing restrictions on California agriculture will only lead to farms leaving the state, not adapting more humane practices in the state. In an increasingly bankrupt California economy, should we really be discouraging agriculture? This prop only applies to egg laying hens, veal, and a few other farm animals, but I still say no on prop 2.

PROP 3: No. While I'm all for helping children, govt needs less involvement in health care (IMHO) and I believe bonds are an irresponsible way to fund initiatives like this.

PROP 4: NO! This prevents a minor from seeking an abortion without parental notification. The government should not have input in confidential health issues of any person, regardless of their age or situation. This should be confidential stuff. Props like this are always on the ballot and always defeated in Cali for good reason.

PROP 5: I'm leaning toward no on this prop. I don't see how increased spending on drug programs and shortening of parole for drug related offenses will solve anything. However, I feel uninformed on this issue which prompts me to further reserve my opinion on this prop.

PROP 6: Yes. My yes vote is partially out of fear which is not a strong argument, but gangs scare me. This prop allocates nearly a billion dollars yearly to law enforcement and creates approx 30 new revisions to state law over gang related offenses to create new crimes, penalties and harsher sentences.

PROP 7: Yes. If this passes, all electricity companies must harvest a minimum of 20% of their energy from renewable sources, and the percentages will go up in subsequent years. Environmental causes are dear to me.

PROP 8: NO! A resounding no. It sickens me that we discriminate against gay and gayelle couples and don't allow them to marry. Who are we to say whom one can and cannot love? The issue here should not be your stance on gay rights, but whether the government should be able to interfere in the private lives of its citizens by defining whom we are allowed to marry. If you plan on voting yes on this prop I will probably like you less.

PROP 9: I need more information on this one, but I'm leaning toward yes. This prop offers victims of crimes greater access to the criminal justice process, and limits the number of parole hearings to which criminals are entitled. I'm just not sure this prop protects the rights of the accused.

PROP 10: This is a toughy. But I'm thinking no. This prop gives huge breaks to people wanting to buy high fuel economy vehicles and provides grants to research new renewable energy sources. While I believe strongly in environmental causes, I believe there will be a huge increase in demand for the things this bill promotes in a few years (high mpg cars and cheap energy), which will dramatically increase their availability. This bill will then be obsolete in coming years and will unnecessarily take taxpayers' money.

PROP 11: I still have no idea what this prop will do. I'll get back to you. Maybe. If I don't keep dozing off while reading about it.

**update** Prop 11 will create redistricting and give the planning of the new districts to a non-partisan panel, yanking the job from the (partisan) state legislature. The new panel will be composed of an even mix of Dems, Republicans, ans Independents.

PROP 12: Yes. I feel that we owe our veterans of war much more than we currently give them. This prop provides for loans so that veterans can buy homes and farms. There is already a similar provision in place to provide low interest home loans to veterans, and I believe this enhances it. The Ca legislature has unanimous "aye" votes on this measure.

jholiday also endorses.... McCain/Palin!!!!

But Obama gets the sexy vote (jholiday licks finger, lifts finger in the air, makes sizzle sound). Rrrrrr.


Unknown said...

Go Enviro!

qwerty said...

Awesome choices! Especially Prop 7 - there's so much propaganda out there from the money-grubbing utilities! We the people will pass Prop 7!

Kelly Rivas said...

Thanks for a great break down of all the props. I agree with all your YES decisions and am still on the fence about most the others. Isn't it about time something like 7 happened? I'm so glad to see support for it from mary and ali too. I think this younger generation deserves something we can be proud of that won't in-debt us even more!

Anonymous said...

you rock!